November 27, 2013
Bloomington, Indiana – As the holiday gets closer, TASUS Corporation prepares to give back to the those less fortunate within the community. The employees of TASUS raised nearly $1,800.00 for the purchase of turkeys and food items. In addition employees brought in 1,000’s of packages of food items from cookies to cranberry sauce and all the veggies in-between. Headed by the Community Action Team at TASUS all items were sorted and placed into individual Thanksgiving baskets and then delivered to families by TASUS employees. Fifty-Five complete holiday meals were delivered by employees two days before Thanksgiving; breaking the Indiana plant’s 2012 goal of 50 baskets. By the smiles on employee faces as the food was brought in and baskets put together there is no doubt they are contributing to putting the “Happy” back in Thanksgiving for many Indiana families.