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TASUS employees elf it up to help out B.J. Claus

December 19, 2013

Bloomington, Indiana –

What do you do when a 11 year old self proclaimed Santa Claus arrives to ask for help in getting toys to children at Riley Hospital? TASUS employees decided to step up to the plate and help B.J. Yoho otherwise known as B.J. “Claus” reach his goal of 4000 toys for Christmas. B.J.’s efforts are nothing short of amazing. He was born with spina bifida, and has faced 17 surgeries since birth — including amputation of his right leg. yet still maintains a smile from ear to ear. He is well on his way to reaching this years goal. (Next year, he hopes for a million.)

Taking time out from making nearly 50 million car parts per year TASUS employees pooled together to help one boys vision to come true. To date TASUS employees have been able to contribute 348 toys towards his 2013 Christmas goal.

Because of such high sights, last year, BJ was invited to Washington D.C. to have dinner at the White House and meet the president. He was also invited to Disney World in Orlando to inspire others to donate to childrens hospitals. (And was given his own day by the Bloomfield Town Council dubbed “BJ Yoho Day”)

TASUS is so happy to help BJ with his goal this year and excited to be a part of the difference he is making with his generosity.

Learn More about B.J. Claus and his efforts at RTV6 the Indy Channel and WBIW and to learn more how your business can help for Christmas 2014 please contact HR at


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